Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Manandhar Smriti
ACAS, Purbanchal University

Background: Child rights are the fundamental rights of each human under the age of 18 years. The achievement of child right by every children of the world is still contradictory. Despite various international and national effort were focused on the children rights, the awareness and knowledge regarding the child right among the children is very crucial for optimal attainment of their rights.
Objectives: To assess the level of the knowledge of school children regarding the child right and the respondent’s status and attitude regarding child right in their life.
Method: A descriptive Cross sectional research study  was used to collect information of the students their Knowledge regarding the childrights using the self -administered semi-structured questionnaires The study area was conducted among 145 students of Secondary level (Class 8,9 and 10), within two schools in Kathmandu district ; Sai Niliyam School and Gillette  International Boarding School.
Result: Out of 145 respondents,79.31% were from Gillete International School and 20.7% from Sai Niliyam School with 35.9% identically from Class 8 and 9 and remaining from class 10.All the respondents were known about the child right, with majority of 84.8 % having good knowledge plus 97.2% responds as acquirement of child rights in their life.In aspect of family, majority feels “freedom from discrimination”(92.8%) whereas 42.76% feels “freedom from violence”and in school, 74.8% experience teacher punishment .
Conclusion: The findings and discussion about the study reveals that majority of the respondents had good knowledge about the child rights including knowledge for “Right for decision” “right for freedom” “Right to Life” and “Right to Protection”. The status of the respondents seems quite well stabilized in regards to family and school. But still, some amendment in school setting and family concern are required to elaborate the knowledge and enjoyment of child rights among children.

Keywords: Child rights, knowledge 

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